Areas of Expertise

Direct Taxes

"Direct" taxes are classified as being directly supported by the "Rights of the Taxpayer", who does not have the ability to pass on the tax burden to others. Tax categories include; Corporate Income Tax (IRPJ) and Social Contribution on Net Income (CSLL). Our Department responsible for Direct Taxes advises companies on all routines involving these taxes, which extends from the revisions of "compliance" to a permanent full assistance. In this sense, we offer:

→ Review of tax and social contribution calculations;
→ Assistance in the identification and implementation of tax incentives;
→ Advice on the review of accessory obligations;
→ Review and preparation of "Tax Packages";
→ Provision of advice and technical opinions;
→ Diagnosis for determination of tax credits, etc.

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Indirect Taxes

"Indirect" taxes are classified as being supported indirectly by the "Direct Contributor", whose tax burden is transferred to the "Final Contributor". Tax categories include; IPI and ICMS. Although possessing the classification "sui generis", procedures for PIS and COFINS taxes are also covered by this division of Bandeirante. Our Department of Indirect Taxes advises companies on all routines involving such taxes, which extends from the revisions of "compliance" to a permanent full assistance. We offer:

→ Revision of the calculation of taxes;
→ Review of the compliance of ancillary obligations, including ancillary accounting documentation, tax records and digital files;
→ Advice on policy review and maintenance criteria of tax credits;
→ Diagnosis of tax breaks;
→ Tax assistance in the preparation and election of Special Procedures;
→ Advice on tax installments;
→ Provision of advice and technical opinions;
→ Review of adopted tax classifications - NCM; etc.

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Transfer pricing

By transfer price we mean the amount charged by a company on the sale or transfer of goods, services or intangible property, related to the company. It is a fiscal adjustment to identify the controls which govern transactions between related parties based in different tax jurisdictions, or when one party is based in a tax haven. Our TP department offers specialized form the following services:

→ Selection of the most appropriate transfer pricing method for your business profile;
→ Pricing study aimed at better management of the tax burden at a global level;
→ Technical analysis for issuing opinions;
→ Review and preparation of calculations of companies transfer pricing; etc.

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Financial Services Taxation

Our team of professionals specializes in serving companies in the financial sector, whose segment includes banks, investment funds, insurance companies, reinsurance companies, investment brokers, insurance brokers, and real estate companies. Among the services offered include:

→ Advising on the structuring of investment funds (FIP, FDIC, DII, FIC, etc.);
→ Tax planning;
→ Tax review of ancillary and main obligations;
→ Analysis of Compliance of accounting and fiscal rules as well as CVM, BCB and SUSEP; etc. regulations.

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International Taxes

Our International Tax Services department advises companies and business groups on the structuring and the compliance of operations involving parties resident in different countries, in order to ensure compliance with all the rules required by the Brazilian authorities, always in the most economical way possible. This is a highly specialized department prepared to serve customers in English, Spanish and Chinese. Among the main services offered include:

→ Structuring of offshore operations;
→ Advice on foreign investments in Brazilian companies;
→ Advisory shipments of Brazilian companies to foreign companies;
→ International corporate restructuring;
→ Internationalization of operations;
→ Registration of foreign capital at the Central Bank;
→ Repatriation of capital;
→ Clarification of doubts and issuing technical opinions; etc.

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Customs Taxes

Working directly with experts in the field of foreign trade, we offer our customers a permanent advisory service, technical training of internal staff, audit, diagnosis, review of tax classifications, and effective monitoring of administrative processes. In addition, we offer advice on:

→ Customs clearance throughout the country including dry ports;
→ National and international freight forwarding agency, logistics planning;
→ Assistance in admissions operations and temporary export, warehousing, customs transit and drawback;
→ Compiling documentation for export and prior analysis of import documents, preparation of LI's and REs.;
→ Liaising with authorizing agencies;
→ Registration of Financial Operations (ROF);
→ Assistance in monetary exchange / International Insurance;
→ Assistance in obtaining and analysis of letters of credit;
→ Ex-tariff;
→ Specific framework for tax reduction;
→ Price formation for import and export;
→ OAS Certification; etc.

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Labor and Social Security Taxes

Our Labor team is made up of highly qualified professionals to provide tax advice on all practices involving labor and social security taxes. Among the main services offered by this department include:

→ Implementation of e-Social;
→ Review of labor and social security practices of the company;
→ Payroll review;
→ Analysis and review of Payroll provisions viability;
→ Credit calculation, such as those relating to indemnities and a fine of 10% of FGTS;
→ Critical review of PPRA and PCMSO;
→ Preparation of payroll by cost center;
→ Review of the payment forms to the INSS, FGTS, Contributions Trade Unions, Employers and Confederates;
→ Review for sending accessory obligations;
→ Monitoring and guidance on application of labor and social securities laws;
→ Monitoring and guidance of collective agreements applicable to each client; etc.

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Mergers and Acquisitions

Our M&A team are experts in advising companies in mergers and acquisitions, either as buyers or sellers. The services offered range from the preview phase of operations, intent to buy, contract review, to after-sales, where we highlight the following services:

→ Due diligence pre-acquisition;
→ Due diligence pre-sale;
→ Review of the corporate structure;
→ Tax and corporate planning;
→ Preparation and review of contracts and memoranda;
→ PMO (operations management involving various stakeholders);
→ Financial analysis of the business;
→ Post-acquisition advice.

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R&D Tax Services

Bandeirante specializes in the advisory and implementation of tax incentives related to technological innovation, primarily encouraged by the “Lei do Bem”, (General law providing incentives benefiting all parties). Working directly with a team of experts who have already advised leading companies in the country we offer:

→ Advice for resource funding;
→ Comprehensive advice on tax incentives for Technological/Self Innovation;
→ Guidance for selection of projects within the scope of incentives;
→ Implementation of internal controls;
→ Preparation of supporting documentation;
→ Training of internal staff;
→ Selection of spending encouraged by the relevant legislation;
→ Guidance for the correct fulfillment of accessory obligations related to tax incentives for technological innovation;
→ Assistance in the preparation of Requests Reconsideration;
→ Advice on presentation of claims to the MCTI (Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation); etc.

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Administrative and Tax Litigation

We represent our clients in administrative processes, developing procedural strategies in order to ensure the best possible representation. We assist companies in meeting the inspections, preparation of evidential support for appeals and arguments for nonconformity, as well as procedural representation in all administrative bodies.

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(55 11) 2619-9850
